This axis associates a strong multidisciplinarity on the theme of medicine understood in a broad sense including vaccines, in an infectious context and in a tropical environment. A scientific, therapeutic, popular and commercial object, the study of drugs requires different disciplines (chemistry, pharmacology, parasitology, epidemiology, biostatistics, pharmacoepidemiology, demography, anthropology) with complementary theoretical and methodological corpuses. A common reflection is set up to increase the knowledge necessary for a better definition and application of effective practices and policies for the prevention and treatment of infections and other pathologies of mothers and young children in the intertropical region.
The drug as an object goes through different stages, from its conception to its uses. Three themes unfold a continuum of drug research, from the study of its modes of action and the associated resistance mechanisms, to that of the offers and uses of which it is the subject, through clinical research aimed at to assess its efficacy and safety. This integrated approach is made possible not only by the multidisciplinarity of our axis, but also by our French & international partnerships, and by our laboratories in endemic areas (Benin, Ghana).
To address this complex issue, three themes are developed: (1) modes of action and resistance; (2) efficiency and response; (3) drug markets and uses.
Here again, the thematic opening towards the pathologies associated with pollutants and global warming is placed in perspective through the study of prevention and population protection practices.