MERIT - UMR 261 coordinates a teaching unit (60 hours) of the M2 "Public health and social sciences" at the Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC). This teaching unit is specifically devoted to health in the South ("Epidemiology and therapy in developing countries", co-facilitated with Y. Martin-Prével).
MERIT - UMR 261 is part of the steering committee of the Master (selection of candidates, control of knowledge, juries) and participates in the juries for awarding doctoral contracts (former scholarships).

MERIT – UMR 261 is also co-responsible for the Proteomic Analysis Module at the University of Paris Cité (UPC).
The UMR takes an active part in several university courses in biology and epidemiology (UPD, UPMC) in the course of pharmacy studies in License, Master 1 and Master 2, as well as in epidemiology and biostatistics courses. organized in Benin by the International Master of Medical Entomology.

In Benin, the unit's expatriate researchers are responsible for the parasitology (M1 and M2) and bioinformatics modules of the Master's in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Applications of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FAST), University of Abomey-Calavi .
They are also involved in modules of the Master's in Cellular Biology and Immunology at FAST and in statistics at EPAC (Ecole Polytechnique d'Abomey-Calavi).

MERIT – UMR 261 is affiliated with three doctoral schools: ED 436: medicine, toxicology, chemistry, environment (Parasitology team), ED Bio Sorbonne Paris Cité (Immunology team) and ED 393: public health, epidemiology ( Populations, risks, practices and interventions team and Infectious diseases and immunity team: genetic susceptibility and selection pressure).
The UMR is a member of the Council of Doctoral School 393 (UPMC, Paris Descartes, Paris Diderot).

MERIT – UMR 261 is the host laboratory for M1 and M2 public health from Bordeaux 2, Paris Sud, Pasteur/CNAM, EHESP, as well as for M1 and M2 Molecular and Cellular Biology from UPMC, Biology of reproduction and development (University Paris Diderot), medicine sciences of the UPD.