Studies have shown that extracellular vesicles (EVs), derived from Plasmodium-infected red blood cells (iRBCS), play a role
important in the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria (NP). In this project, we will study the nature and content of EVs to determine their
role in the pathogenesis of severe malaria (PG) and NP. We offer a multidisciplinary approach combining information
biophysics and proteomics at the single particle level by tracking analysis of nanoparticles, phenotypic analysis on EVs
immunocaptured, electron microscopy and biomolecular signature by Raman spectroscopy to characterize EVs from
of patient samples (plasmas and iEs). We will also study the functions of these EVs in primary endothelial cells and
astrocytes of human origin to define their contributions to the pathogenesis of NP.

Northern Partnership

UMR 7057 (UPCité Complex Matter and Systems Laboratory)

UMS 3612 CNRS-US25 INSERM (Cellular and Molecular Imaging Laboratory)

US24 INSERM (SFR Necker, Faculty of Medicine, UPCité)

Southern Partnership





Rachida TAHAR

HOPE Manager, Host-Pathogen Interactions In charge of research
Paris, Faculty of Pharmacy

UMR Merit teams

Nicolas ARGY

Nicolas ARGY

HOPE Manager, Host-Pathogen Interactions University lecturer-hospital practitioner
Paris, Faculty of Pharmacy