Darius Sossou


Accra, Bénin, Ghana


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Prospective multicentre study of host response signatures in neonatal sepsis in Sub Saharan Africa Sci Rep (2022) 2022;12(1):21458
Malaria in the First Trimester of Pregnancy and Fetal Growth: Results from a Beninese Preconceptional Cohort J Infect Dis (2022) 2022;225(10):1777-1785
Th2-Immune Polarizing and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Insulin Are Not Effective in Type 2 Diabetic Pregnancy J Immunol Res (2020) 2020:2038746
Dynamics of Submicroscopic Plasmodium falciparum Infections Throughout Pregnancy: A Preconception Cohort Study in Benin Clin Infect Dis (2020) 71(1):166-174
SEPSIS study group collaborators; SEPSIS study group. SEPSIS project: a protocol for studying biomarkers of neonatal sepsis and immune responses of infants in a malaria-endemic region BMJ Open (2020) 10(7):e036905
Prevalence and clinical impact of malaria infections detected with a highly sensitive HRP2 rapid diagnostic test in Beninese pregnant women Malar J (2020) 19(1):328
Pre-conception serum ferritin concentrations are associated with metal concentrations in blood during pregnancy: A cohort study in Benin Environ Res (2021) 202:111629
Effects of Malaria in the First Trimester of Pregnancy on Poor Maternal and Birth Outcomes in Benin. Clin Infect Dis (2019) 69(8):1385-1393
Sub-optimal Intermittent Preventive Treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) is associated with an increased risk of submicroscopic P. falciparum infection in pregnant women: a prospective cohort study in Benin Clin Infect Dis (2021) 73(11) :e3759-e3767
Regulatory T cell homing and activation is a signature of neonatal sepsis Front Immunol (2024) 15:1420554