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The journal Natural Product Reports published on April 6, 2023 an article on the existence of mugwort tea molecules (African species Artemisia afra and annual species Anniversary Artemisia), different from artemisinin derivatives (ART), potentially effective in eradicating malaria in parasitic stages refractory to conventional treatments (hypnozoites and gametocytes).

This work is the result of a collaboration between Romain Duval, researcher at the IRD and co-head of the MEDS axis at UMR MERIT at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Paris (University of Paris Cité); Alexandre Maciuk, lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Paris-Saclay and Dominique Mazier, professor emeritus at the School of Medicine of the Sorbonne, former head of the parasitology/mycology department at the CHU de Pitié-Salpetrière and former director of three INSERM research units.

The article, available in PDF and on the journal's website Natural Product Reports, was taken up in et The House of Artemisia.