
Within the framework of the second Call for projects of the Partnership with African Higher Education (PEA), eight projects originating from five African countries were financed. Three of them are Beninese. Among the latter, INSPIRE-UAC “International Public Health Innovation Research Education – University of Abomey Calavi”.

It is supported by the University of Abomey Calavi and the University of Limoges. The Joint Research Unit "Mother and child in a tropical environment: pathogens, health system and epidemiological transition" (UMR MERIT) under the IRD, and the University of Paris Cité (UP Cité) are partners.

The objective is to structure and strengthen the Public Health sector, identified as a priority, from the bachelor's degree and up to the doctorate (LMD), by strengthening human capacities in this field while ensuring equity and sustainable development.

Laure Gineau from UMR MERIT will be involved in the Master's in Human Genetics as responsible for teaching genetic epidemiology on the methodological level and with applications to infectious diseases (malaria and human African trypanosomiasis). This participation is part of MERIT's objective to strengthen the links between the UP Cité and Africa.

The PEA is funded by the French Development Agency (AFD), operated by the National Research Agency (ANR) and Campus France.
It aims to set up strategic partnerships to co-construct, among peers, higher education training courses provided in Africa.
This pilot program is part of the dynamic of strengthening links between African and French academic communities. Its ambition is to combine the requirements of international quality and influence of African and French university actors with local socio-economic needs, while promoting the employability and mobility of students and teachers ( /fr/actu/8-winners-2nd-edition-program-partnerships-african-higher-education)

Presentation of the INSPIRE-UAC project
Press release PEA2 – Campus France