
Joste V, Maurice L, Bertin GI, Aubouy A, Boumediene F, Houze S, Ajzenberg D, Argy N, Massougbodji A, Dossou-Dagba I, Alao MJ, Cot M, Deloron, Faucher JF

Review: BMJ Open

Date: 2019

Pagination:  9 (5): e027378


Gwladys BERTIN

HOPE Manager, Host-Pathogen Interactions HOPE Manager, Research Engineer, Prevention Assistant
Paris, Faculty of Pharmacy

Michael Cot

MEDS manager Emeritus Research Director
Nicolas ARGY

Nicolas ARGY

HOPE Manager, Host-Pathogen Interactions University lecturer-hospital practitioner
Paris, Faculty of Pharmacy

Sandrine HOUZE

MEDS manager University professor-hospital practitioner
Paris, Faculty of Pharmacy
avatar man

Valentin JOSTE

MEDS manager PhD student
Paris, Faculty of Pharmacy